Playing with webcams
We tested "new" webcams for HomeLESS Hit Analyzer. The first is cheap HD webcam manufactured by Microsoft, it is Lifecam HD 3000. With this webcam you can run Hit Analyzer 1.1b with resolution up to 1024 x 768 with 30 fps. But you need to modify the ini file by inserting value of resolution. This webcam also run under GNU/Linux.
We tested it on this configurations:
On old notebook, HP ProBook4510s (4GB RAM, Core 2 Duo T5870 @ 2.00GHz), GNU/Linux Mageia 3 with kernel 3.10.28 (server) working 30 fps only at 640x480 :(
On very old notebook, DELL D620 (2GB RAM, Core 2 T5600 @ 1.83GHz), GNU/Linux Mageia 4 with kernel 3.12.12 (desktop) working 30fps at 1280x720 :)
So maybe you need the newest kernel.
In picture belllow you can see Hit Analyzer 1.1b running with 800 x 600 resolution.
More info about this webcam at MS official site:
The second is webcam is manufactured by Genius, it is Face cam 1000. It works wel at MS Windows and GNU/Linux. But we cannot recomended the similar webcam from Genius, Face cam 1005. This webcam has problem with mirroring the LASER dot.
Both of these webcams was added to the hardware webcams page.