Mechanical Shooting Galery N.001
03/05/2015 20:30
During programing new version of software, 3D printing LaBr-Guns we play with arduino and create new toy for HomeLESS project. You found it's description on page: Hardware -> Mechanical Shooting Galery N.001
So, enjoy
3D printed LaBR-Gun
09/04/2015 22:00
After few tests with wooden pistol, we can create something more modern. The own open-hardware 3D printed LaBr-gun.
Thanks to Czech 3D Printer, the Rebel 2, we can easily create prototypes of grip that fit to hand.
As you can see in picture below, this LaBr-gun will be very simple to print and...
16/02/2015 20:21
We added new pages.
First one is Troubleshooting for Hit Analyzer.
The second is about connecting The Bubbles with Hit Analyzer.
Christmas gift 2#: Shooting Analyzer 0.1
28/12/2014 22:30
We bring you the new software from HomeLESS project, The Shooting Analyzer. This is the program which are you looking for. With this application you can view your shooting logs:
You can download it from google drive. It can run under GNU/Linux and MS Windows.
So enjoy.
Christmas gift 1#: Hit Analyzer 1.2b
24/12/2014 20:00
Hello everbody!
New version of Hit Analyzer is here. This is a little update from previous version. We fixed some little bugs and added new feature (one :) ). The Amplifier function that provide settings with data projector easier. So if you have problem with correct detection of hit, you can...
Mini update
01/12/2014 19:36
Into "Media/Public presentations" were added new articles about project Homeless. The first article was released on thefirearmblog, the second article was released on portal. And the last one is summary of OpenAlt 2014 conference.
Thanks for your interest.
LASER shooting with dataprojector
12/11/2014 20:00
After few tests on OpenAlt 2014 we can relese The Bubbles TD. This application show you how you can easily interconnect Hit Analyzer with other programs and bestow it "LASER shooting" ability. On youtube video, you can see how it is works.
OpenAlt 2014 - photos
05/11/2014 21:00
So, OpenAlt conference is behind us. We brings you some photos at photogalery.
You can find some another photos from this conference (photos of HomeLESS included :) ) from saturday and sunday at czech GNU/linux portal
OpenAlt 2014 BRNO, Czech Republic
15/10/2014 20:32
HomeLESS at live! / HomeLESS naživo!
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the OpenAlt 2014 conference to be held in Brno, Czech republic, on November 1-2, 2014. The conference will be an excellent occasion to see HomeLESS project at live (and more open projects from others branch). On...
Hit Analyzer version 1.2a has been released!
05/10/2014 22:34
So, what is new?
The previous version has 2651 lines of code. This new version has 3986 liness of code and over the 30 precent of previous code was rewrited.
Here is the news:
- Modified and new targets type
- Targets can be in millimeters and inches
- Maximum of 100 targets files...